Monday, May 9, 2011

Burning Man Dome: The Sink

Burning man is hot, sticky, dusty, and dirty. You slather on sunscreen every day, sweat all day, dance all night, and have to deal with porta-potties. Eventually, you really, really, really just want to wash your hands. At least, I do. So much so that last year I took a squirt bottle and filled it with water and alcohol to spray on my palms and fingers to disinfect them. For the longest time I thought that was genius... until it dried my hands out so much that they were cracked and bleeding, and immobile by request (mine and theirs).

Now, oh now, the solution: the 3-Gallon sink. Look at this baby! Toothbrushes, razors, drinking water, face-washing, hand washing. Hootenanny!

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