Friday, April 22, 2011

Public Domain and finding a life on Etsy

I want to live off of my work on Etsy.

I'm going to get a degree in graphic design starting this summer (excited!) and I asked a friend who's known for her intuitiveness what I should do for a career, and she said "follow the energy." That's where I get the energy and it's consistent. I made a very successful (with family and friends) calendar out of bird collages, which I then turned into an art show, and though that was three years ago, I'm still asked about it and asked for a new one. Well, I've finally found that beauty and excitement again with digital collage.

And I see people being really successful at it on Etsy. Check out Piddix on Quit Your Day Job-- erm, I can do that. And I'm going to, starting today. STARTING TODAY. I can't believe I didn't discover this before-- I'm so gung ho, too. This is it. YAY. Especially as one of my best friends deals in antique books and ephemera!!!! And I have a good camera and the ability to check out and scan items. Wow. Can't believe I didn't know about this until now. But I guess everything happens for a reason.

Have you ever had that aha moment yourself?

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